Monday, September 12, 2011

Snow??? In the summer???

After we finished our homeschooling today, the kids asked if we could do just one more activity. Of course I said yes as long as they hurried and cleaned up their messes from the previous activity. I have never seen Jelly Bean or Life Saver move so fast!!!

At first I thought we would work a little more on our numbers by playing with our Cookie Jar  The kids love this game. We have created our own games using our imaginations!! I love to see what games they come up with next!!!

However, I decided to REALLY do something out of the ordinary. I've always read great reviews about Insta Snow Powder So a few weeks ago, I purchased some at our local teacher store. For a fun surprise, I got the supplies ready and we made our "snow". The kids LOVED it. It was really pretty neat and I cannot wait to make it again with them. However, this time we are making A LOT more of it!! The "snow" was even cold to the touch.

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