I made a rice and an oatmeal sensory tray for the kids and they LOVED them. I bought a bunch of rice and liquid water colors and colored the rice one evening. I mixed all the rice together once it was dry and it made such beautiful rice (who knew rice could be so pretty). I went to a local dollar store and purchased letters and hid them in both the rice and oatmeal. I also purchased measuring cups/spoons, colanders, wooden spoons, salad tongs and several other kitchen tools which the kids played in the sensory boxes with. They searched for their hidden letters and built castles out of the rice and oatmeal!!! They actually played with these for over an hour. It was so much fun to watch them having a great time.
Next I put water in our no spill paint cups. I then added a bit of yellow food coloring to turn the water yellow. I asked the kids which color I should add to the yellow to make orange. Jelly Belly guessed green and Lifesaver guessed blue. Once I added the red color, they both thought it was amazing!! It really is the small things which make the kids happy ;)
I set out ice cube trays and medicine droppers and let the kids transfer the colored water from the containers to the ice cube trays. They enjoyed this activity more than I thought they would. I figured they would be bored fast and they weren't. I was pleased :-) Lifesaver said her fingers were getting tired after about 20 minutes!!!
We are practicing with our letters and one day we made a necklace with beads and spelled out our names with the beads. The kids loved it!!! They love making crafts with everything.
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